Listen to “8. What Podcast Equipment Do You Really Need?” on Spreaker.

If you are looking around the web for podcasting equipment for beginners, you’re likely to find a myriad of articles and advice on this topic. On this episode, I aim to share with you some tools that have helped me get started in podcasting for about 17 years and are your basic foundations for finding the right equipment and tools for you and your fabulous show!

Start With What You Have

This is my first piece of advice. If you have Audacity or Garageband and a condenser mic already on hand, then use it. Please don’t feel compelled to go out and buy a brand-new microphone or expensive editing software (unless, of course, you don’t have these tools on hand and need to get started right away). Even then, I suggest taking it easy on the front end when it comes to spending.

Upgrade To Pro When You Can

As I mentioned earlier, if you already have a few tools on hand, see if these can be useful for your podcast. If you find that your recording and editing arsenal are severely lacking, then upgrading to pro tools can help save the day (as well as help you to podcast confidently). Below are some tools that I like and recommend when selecting podcasting equipment for beginners.

Podcasting Equipment for Beginners (Tools I Like)

Here are some microphones and equipment I’ve either used or currently use.

See also  How To Get Started Podcasting

Digital Audio Workstation and Editing Software

  • Adobe Audition
  • Logic Pro
  • Garage Band
  • Audacity

And, of course, you’ll need a quiet workspace (which is not a tool, but much needed).

You may also need to record interviews. In that case, I recommend checking out a few of these:

  • Zoom
  • Zencastr
  • Riverside
  • Streamyard

As always, there are more than enough resources to share than there is room for on this podcast episode, but I just wanted to start with a few.

Thanks for listening, friends, and I’ll be back next week with more tips for you on my podcast about podcasting!

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